Amol Jumbad
2 min readNov 6, 2020


What is the secrete Behind The succesful Person .

Hii… Guys, This is Amol Jumbad Today I just Want to summarised the book name is …

Awaken The Giant Within by Tony Robbins is the psychological blueprint you can follow to start taking control of your own destiny. It starts with your mindset, spreading through your body and then all the way through your relationships, career, and finances. The book will turn you into the giant you were always meant to be.

We all have great potential in us. But the thing is that our abilities and talents are like a sleeping giant that needs to be awakened. Deep inside, we all wish to make a difference in the world or at least to the people around us.

Tony gives some Tricks to Raise your standards :

  • We Have to change the standards of our work means, which task we have to do now and which we have to do later.
  • we have to make a list of work that we cant tolerate.

Take Decision Early.

  • means if we are just think about our old plan . then we dont think about our future plan.

Once you’ve decided to change your life to the direction that you wished, you must also change your limiting beliefs about the things you want to accomplish. Because if you don’t believe that you can actually achieve your goals, then you will not take any action towards them.

Belief :

Two types of Belief System.

  • Limited belief System.
  • Improving the belief system.

According to Tony, by understanding your own limiting beliefs, you can alter those beliefs and control them.

So now that you’ve got your mindset fixed, what’s next? Everyone knows how to lose weight and stay in shape. Eat healthy, and exercise. It’s dead simple! But as Tony Robbins said in the book, “you see, in life, lots of people know what to do, but few people actually do what they know”.

I hope you enjoyed it ….

Thanks for reading ….

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